“Green” energy sources?

Just so you understand, I have absolutely nothing against renewable energy sources – quite the opposite. However, it is clear in advance that in most countries they have no chance to cover their future consumption! Should we save? Please, that’s bullshit. Sure, don’t waste it, yes. But energy is the basis of progress and the products around us. And we live to have a good time.

From a physical point of view, the basic problem is with the flow density of “green” energy generators. The practical consequence of this is their higher price. This is compounded by problems with its storage, as it is often available only sometimes (the sun only shines during the day, the wind blows as it pleases, etc.). However, this could perhaps be solved by sharing it in some global distribution network (let the experts comment on this, thank you). Another problem is their conversion into a mobile form (chemical fuels).

I am in favor of every house having solar collectors to cover its most necessary expenses, at least for the sake of independence. (The combination of central and local access, similar to the cellular structure of organisms, is extremely resistant to outages in the event of unexpected events). But it pisses me off to see fertile ground covered with rows of collectors that are only profitable because of subsidies! (in other words they are unprofitable!).

The only technology mastered today that is able to cover consumption is nuclear energy. And it’s relatively green too. True, I was hoping that today we would already have mastered nuclear fusion and not just fission. But we don’t use it enough either – on the contrary, we are canceling nuclear power plants! And then we complain that everything is expensive!


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